Happy 7th birthday, Wyatt!
Every day you get a little “older.” A little more independent. Sometimes I have to remind myself that you are only in first grade. But no matter how fast it feels like you are growing up, or how tall you are getting…you still have the kindest heart, and you still let me snuggle you. And you give the BEST snuggles, buds.
Every day is the “best day ever” for you. It doesn’t matter where we are or what we are doing. And I wish I could still see the world through your eyes. Your New Years “resolution” was to start doing the dishes every night. And even though that only happened for the first time last night, it’s the thought that counts. You love getting all of us together on the floor in the family room to play a game together. And you love making your friends and family happy.
You still love playing all sports, and I am really hoping, for your sake, that we get to see Stafford in the Super Bowl this year! You can rattle off football stats and you have a genuine love of the game. Of course, you are a 7 year old boy, so you also love playing video games. But you don’t just sit there and play. You are always standing and jumping around. Which tracks with your enthusiasm for life.
I hope 7 is a great year for you, Wyatt. We love you so much and can’t wait to celebrate with you!