
Wyatt is 6 | Colorado Lifestyle Photography

Happy 6th Birthday, Wyatt Ford!

I have been so lucky to be able to spend so much time with you over the past year.  Last January, when you turned 5, I had all of the feelings about having to send you off to kindergarten in the fall.  It was going to be the most time I ever spent apart from you.  But the world had other plans for us.  Instead, I have been able to watch you learn and grow mostly from home.  Kindergarten has been far from normal.  But even though our world got a whole lot smaller last March, I have watched you adapt and thrive and make it your own.

Over the past year, you have learned to ride a bike without training wheels and lost your first two teeth.  You have played countless hours of video games, but also lived your best life on our getaways to the mountains.  You are, and always will be, the sweetest and kindest soul I know.  You have so much good inside of you, and you make everyone around you feel it, too.  I am so proud to be your mom, and I will take all of the Wyatt snuggles I can get from you.

I love you, Wyatt!