
Tips for Fun Family Pictures | Boulder Family Photographer

Kaelin’s first email to me said that her three kids have a lot of energy, and don’t like to sit still for pictures.  And I thought great, neither do I!  I knew that this was going to be a fun family session once we started emailing back and forth.  It turns out her family just moved to Erie, and her middle son is in Isabella’s class at school!  Such a great way for us to get introduced.  I suggested meeting at one of my favorite spots in Boulder, with lots of trees and rocks for the kids to climb.  And it’s a good thing that we never stopped moving, because it started to turn windy and cold during our session.  But the kids never complained, and we all stayed warm, running up and down the trail and playing games.  Keep reading for some more simple Tips for Fun Family Pictures.

5 Tips for Fun Family Pictures

  1.  Choose Your Outfits:  Start with the basics.  Choose complimentary colors and don’t be afraid to mix patterns and solids (see cute family below).  Throw on a cardigan or vest.  Add your favorite scarf or a cute hat for the kids.  Also make sure your kiddos are going to be comfortable, and avoid any characters or logos on their clothes and shoes.
  2. Plan Ahead:  Life happens.  Your spouse forgot to get gas in the car.  The dog has to go out one more time.  Baby has a blowout in her diaper.  Allow yourself enough time to get ready, and plan on arriving to your session 10-15 minutes early, so you don’t feel rushed.  Running late does not put anyone in a good mood, and you don’t want to feel stressed before you even arrive.  Make sure you allow enough extra driving time for traffic and parking.  Schedules are hectic these days, but if possible, block off the entire morning or afternoon of your session on the family calendar.  Then plan to go out for a treat (insert bribery here) after pictures .
  3. Let Go of Perfection: Cloudy days make for great natural light, and there’s no such thing as a perfect hair day!  The session below was probably one of the windiest afternoons, and we had a blast! You scheduled your family pictures, you picked out the outfits, and you showed up to the session.  Win!  Now leave the rest of the details up to me and just have fun with your family!  I am here to capture those real moments.
  4. Play a Game: If you have older kids, make up a secret code word that makes everyone laugh.  Tell your younger kids that you are going to play hide and seek, or see who can collect the most leaves.  Climb trees, throw rocks into the river, and don’t be afraid to start a tickle fight.  Some of the best moments happen when no one is looking at the camera.
  5. Don’t Force It:  Every person in the family does not need to be in every single picture.  Take this as an opportunity to get some pictures of you and your spouse alone.  Guaranteed when you ask the kids not to be in the picture with you, they will come running!  And please don’t tell your kids to look at the camera and say “cheese.”   Sometimes its best for you as the parent to take a step back and let your kids be kids.  Let her twirl in a field of tall grass until she’s dizzy.  The natural smiles will come…

Tips for Fun Family Pictures

Thank you for reading these Tips for Fun Family Pictures!  Kristin Christian is a Family Photographer in Boulder Colorado who specializes in real moments captured. Creating natural and fun family pictures in the Boulder/Denver area.  Colorado Lifestyle Photography offers maternity, newborn, children, and family portraits.  Please visit the INVESTMENT page for more information or introduce yourself using the CONTACT FORM.