I had so much fun helping Mobin plan this Surprise Proposal at Sapphire Point Overlook. “I have a question…” And the answer to the question was yes! Mobin and Kylie have been together for six years. And he decided the perfect spot to propose was at Sapphire Point. We had the entire overlook to ourselves on this particular weekday afternoon. Which almost never happens. It was magical.
Mobin and Kylie also had me smiling and laughing throughout the entire session. Their joy was infectious. And they were up for anything. Including jumping in the snow and making snow angels. Mobin said they came all the way from Tennessee for the snow…so why not? These two were so happy and carefree and fun to be around. I wish them both the best planning their future together! Congratulations again!
Surprise Proposal at Sapphire Point Overlook | Colorado Lifestyle Photography
Are you looking for a surprise proposal photographer in Colorado? Let me help you plan all of the little details, and pull off an epic surprise proposal & engagement session in the mountains. Through the use of vibrant colors and emotive imagery, I focus on the moment first. Giving you uninterrupted time to enjoy being together as a couple. I am committed to capturing authentic connections and finding joy in the every day details. All while creating a fun and stress-free experience. Please CONTACT ME directly for more information about planning your couples session, elopement or intimate wedding. Colorado Lifestyle Photography serves the mountains, including Aspen, Twin Lakes, Vail, Breckenridge, Frisco, Dillon and Silverthorne.