
Our Family Film | Erie Colorado Lifestyle Photographer

I still have memories of my dad, with a huge camcorder propped up on his shoulder, taking VHS video of my brother and me growing up.  He was our family historian.  Almost always the one behind the camera.  His voice lives on in those videos.  Our home movies.  As an Erie Colorado Lifestyle Photographer, and a mom, I understand all too well that childhood is fleeting.  One day, they start saying “yellow” instead of “lellow.”  And just like that, they have grown up over night.

I haven’t found a way to freeze time.  I can only slow it down with these photographs and videos.  So I made this video for Isabella and Wyatt.  Let me tell you, they love to watch it over and over again.  And so do I…

Erie Colorado Lifestyle Photographer

Welcome!  As an Erie Colorado Lifestyle Photographer, I look for magic in the everyday moments.  I love breathtaking scenery, and I love capturing the chaos of daily life.  Real Moments Captured.   Please visit my GALLERIES for more inspiration.  If you are interested in telling your family’s story and documenting this season in your life, please send me a message below:
