
My Journey with Click Pro | Colorado Lifestyle Photography

I am so excited to announce that I have been accepted as a Click Pro Ambassador!  What is a Click Pro Ambassador?  Let me start by telling you a little bit about my journey with Click Pro, and where it all began…

I joined the CLICKIN MOMS COMMUNITY in 2015, shortly after my son Wyatt was born and I really started to dream big about building a photography business. I knew from other photographers I followed and admired that this was a community full of women who love photography.  Women at all different points in their photography journey, from a “mom with a camera” hobbyist to an award winning professional. A place where I could find beginner photography tutorials and go on to take instructional classes that literally changed my life.

In 2018, I attended a photography retreat lead by two CLICK PRO PHOTOGRAPHERS that really changed the trajectory of my professional photography career, and pushed me to the next level. I made it my goal to be accepted as a Click Pro Master, and I have to admit that I was rejected after my first application.  You can see my rejected portfolio HERE.

That rejection cut deep. If you know anything about the Enneagram, I am a 3, and professional failure and rejection is completely tied up in my personal self worth. And while I never stopped picking up my camera, it was almost two years before I was ready to apply again.

However, in August of 2020, a year when it felt like the world stopped spinning, and every day was survival mode, I decided it was time to put together another portfolio.  You can see my accepted portfolio HERE.

Now I am excited to take it to the next level as a Click Pro Ambassador!  I have the opportunity to be a voice for this network of ambitious female photographers.  Photography education is always something that I have been interested in, and I look forward to sharing more with you.

Below are some favorite moments from my very first Click Away Conference in 2019, in California…


If you are still reading this, I really encourage you to reach out.  I would love to hear from you!  Because I have been you.  Scouring the internet for creative ideas and business resources.  Silently stalking photographers online who inspire me.  Ready to apply?  CLICK HERE FOR AN AUTOMATIC $15 OFF YOUR APPLICATION.