Isabella is 8 | Colorado Lifestyle Photography

Happy 8th Birthday, Isabella Vail!

Isabella, when I look back on these moments from the past year, I am reminded again of how much you have changed.  Last October, you were the little girl holding my hand, on the way home from our mother daughter picture date.  And this summer, you were directing your own photoshoot.  Then one day, to my surprise, you decided to try skateboarding.  You persisted and kept practicing, and eventually you were ready to let go of our hands and try it alone.  You found something you love to do.  And you did it all on your own.

You continue to amaze me and make me proud to be your mom on a daily basis.  This year hasn’t been easy, but I have watched you adapt and thrive over and over and over again.  And I am so thankful for all of the extra time we have spent together.  When I sent you off to first grade last year, I thought time would never slow down again.  But, amidst the chaos of this year, we have also been given a gift.  Because when it felt like the world stopped spinning in March, we had each other.  We had time to slow down, and just be.  And even though we have barely been apart over the last seven months, I can see you growing up right before my eyes.  My sweet daughter, some days it feels like you are 8 going on 18.  So I need you to stay my little girl just a little while longer.

I love you, Isabella.