
Happy 4th Birthday | Colorado Lifestyle Photography

Happy 4th birthday, Wyatt Ford.  I spent an evening, going through all of our family pictures from the past year, trying to pick just one picture from every month that shows your personality.  What makes you, you.

Right now, you are really into playing family board games.  You have always loved playing with balls, and it’s fun to watch you start trying out sports like soccer and basketball.  Your favorite toys are your collection of hot wheels cars.  Every day, you pick out your own clothes, and even if it’s snowing outside, you want to wear shorts.  Your outfit has to be a “surprise,” so I can’t help you get dressed.  You’ve always been independent, able to play on your own.  But you love play dates with friends, too, and I know you look up to your big sister.  You love dogs, especially old dogs who will just lay on the floor and let you pet them.  You love school and making pictures for us, and you are starting to learn to write your name.  Wild Kratts is probably your favorite show.  As much as you can run around and be crazy, you can always sit down and listen to a book.

It has been amazing year, and you are growing up too quickly!  Happy Birthday, Wyatt.  Adventure awaits…

Colorado Lifestyle Photography

Childhood is fleeting.  Kristin Christian of Colorado Lifestyle Photography is a mother and lifestyle photographer in Colorado.  If you are interested in telling your family’s story and documenting this season in your life, please CONTACT ME.